
1.I don't know how to say goodbye to those who can't be lost in life, so I left without saying goodbye. 我不知道该怎么和生活中无法失去的人说再见,所以我没有说再见就离开了。

2.Sometimes, we are strong enough to face many difficulties without tears, and weak enough to hear a warm word and cry!有时候,我们坚强到面对多大的困难也不曾掉泪,也软弱到听一句温暖的话语就泪流满面!

3.It's not clear to what extent people can be happy, and to what extent they can be disappointed, but they keep refreshing.人能幸福到什么程度, 还不太清楚, 人能失望到什么程度, 却屡屡刷新。


4.Don't tell people everything. What you say is in your heart. They listen to jokes.不要什么话都跟别人讲,你说的是心里话,他们听着是笑话。

5.Don't expect someone who will never leave you. When there is no light, even the shadow will leave you.不要指望谁永远对你不离不弃,没光的时候,连影子都会离你而去。

6.Some people, some things, still want to put in the heart, said may not be happy.有些人,有些事,还是要放在心里,说出来未必就会开心。

7.Sometimes when we delete a person, it's not that person that doesn't matter, and it's not that we don't care! But want to let go of themselves, do not want to be affected.有时候我们删一个人,不是那个人不重要了,也不是不在乎了!而是想放过自己,不想再被影响了。


8.I'm envious of everyone around you who doesn't matter. They can easily see you I miss all the time. 我嫉妒你身边每一个无关紧要的人,他们就那样轻而易举地见到我朝思暮想的你。

9.Time is like a thief. It steals our innocence and our proud youth.时间像个贼 ,它偷走了我们曾经的天真,也偷走了我们骄傲的青春。

10.It's said that time is not old and we will not part. But looking back, time is not old, but we have already dispersed.都说时光不老,我们不散。可回头望去,时光未曾老过,我们却早已分散。


11.I used to hate separation because I didn't know how to keep it when I was young. Until now, it has been found that everyone is in a different world.曾经讨厌分离,以为是年少不懂挽留。直到现在才发现,是每个人所在的世界彼此不同。

12.After waiting for a long time, I finally understood that sometimes, some people, some things, we have no choice but to say goodbye. 等了好久好久,可是后来终于明白,有时候,有些人,有些事,我们除了说再见,别无选择。

13.Miss you, but don't disturb. Just miss quietly and leave the last dignity to yourself. 想你,但不打扰。静静的思念就好,把最后一点尊严留给自己。


14.I thought that as long as I worked hard, I would touch you one day. Later, I found that I only touched myself.我以为我只要努力,终有一天会感动你,后来我发现我只感动了我自己。

15.What is not appropriate is nothing more than tired and tired. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, I am lazy to love. I just want to meet someone better than you.哪有什么不合适,无非就是腻了、倦了,权衡利弊之后懒得爱了,就是想遇见比你更好的人。

16.The saddest thing about the multiple choice question is not to choose wrong, but to choose right. The saddest thing about love is not to have loved, but to love to the end and have no result.选择题最难过的不是选错,而是曾经选对过,爱情最难过的不是曾经爱过,而是爱到最后却没有结果。


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